ISO 20000 Bridge

This set of templates helps you to discover exactly what is required for compliance with the ISO/IEC 20000 standard.

A full Set of ISO/IEC 20000 Templates

ISO IEC 20000 Templates

These templates show how the ISO 20000 requirements link to the ITIL Process diagrams and hence show clearly where you are currently compliant and where further work needs to be done to achieve compliance.

The templates are intuitively simple to use and come with a full set of the official ISO/IEC 20000 documents together with additional supporting documentation.


ISO 20000 Templates for MS Visio and Rational System Architect

You can find out a lot more information about the Visio version of the ISO20000 Bridge (all of which is available in System Architect version) at:

ISO 20000 Bridge for MS Visio »

For more information on the IBM Rational System Architect version, see:

ISO 20000 Bridge for IBM Rational System Architect »

Additional Information

For further information or to arrange a webinar to demonstrate the product and to discuss your needs, please contact us.