Define and Design
Business Services for Success

Successful Business Services generally mean more profitable customer-facing Services – but not all Services are customer-facing.

Even if Business Services here are internal to your organisation, if successful, they result in better quality products and outcomes both internally for your organisation and for your customers.

The Key to Designing Successful Business Services

Understanding the Service Value Proposition for your Services and the business context (environment) in which they operate is the key to designing successful Business Services.

This applies as much to existing Services as to creating new Services, especially as business conditions constantly change. In fact, the "Define and Design Business Services for Success" techniques are often more important to upgrading existing Services!

Define & Design Business Services

Defining Business Services focuses foremost on the customer; who represents the customer and what are their needs. Subsequently there are some very powerful techniques that can be used to translate these needs (and the needs of other key stakeholders) into simple measurable requirements. Together with some other important business context information, this provides the starting point for successful service design.

Successful Service Design

Service Design focuses on engaging everyone involved and "balancing" the Service components, especially through representatives of those directly receiving or providing the service. It subsequently determines your Service Value Proposition and positioning in the market and the assets and resources required to achieve this.

Usually the main goals of service design are:

Additional Information

For further information or to arrange a webinar or meeting to discuss your needs, please contact us.