About Lea-Cox & Associates

Lea-Cox & Associates (LCA) was established in 1998 as a consultancy focused on Service Management and Intangible Value Management (including Intellectual Capital Management).

For several years the Intangible Value and Intellectual Capital Management activities dominated our business, but underlying much of this work was always the need to establish a far better structure of services, both within and between businesses. The introduction of ITILv3 was timely and it set the scene for Service Management to play the more dominant role in our business.

Our Partners

Our experience of Service Management (SM) and its underlying dynamics, also of the architecture of business and in particular Enterprise Architecture tools and techniques, has enabled us to focus on developing an industrial strength Service Management toolset for our customers.

In this respect we are especially proud of our alliance with IT Process Maps to develop an enhanced Service Management Architecture and that with IBM to provide the means to do so. The result has been the ITIL SM Architecture Encyclopaedia for Rational System Architect.

Our Associates

Any introduction to LCA would be incomplete without mentioning our associates. They are all carefully selected and offer specialist skills and experience of their own that complement and enhance our services. Besides being wonderful people to know and with whom to work, they are invariably strong "team players".

... And most importantly, our Customers

Finally and most importantly, we must mention our customers. Many of our customers - but by no means all - are IT departments that have established some of the ITIL processes and the systems that support them, but now wish to consolidate these into a full Service Management System.

This enables them to establish the experience and intellectual capital to apply the Service Management System to more general business services within their organisation. At the same time this provides a natural and strategically important capability from the IT function to the rest of their organisation.

We also provide support to other business functions, for example, to Marketing for the development of Customer Services to support the organisation’s products, especially in a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) environment.

Another "perennial" is Service Costing in Finance. It is worth noting however, that although all these projects may be led by one specific business function, they are generally multifunctional in nature.